I have been using this monopod for more than a year and I really love this head. 

Why do I feel it’s the best? The reasons are many 🙂 


For any wildlife photographer who walks and explores the forest for long, it’s difficult to carry a tripod because it restricts you to stick to the path and does not allow you to go inside tricky paths. 

Light Weight:

This head is hardly 350gm. This drastically reduces our carrying weight of our kit in the field. 

Supports Bigger lenses:

Its load capacity is 23kgs and hence it supports heavy prime lenses like 800mm f5.6,600mm f4.0, 400 f2.8.

Easy to Carry:

It’s easy to carry as the camera/lens balances nicely on the shoulder. This setup can be carried on our back. This helps our shoulders take much less weight, hence reducing injuries when used for years. 

Extremely Sturdy:

Though the head is small and light weight, it’s extremely sturdy.  The biggest concern for all long lens users is the safety of their expensive kit. This head gives us confidence in the field to carry without worrying.

What are its downsides? 

To use this, you need to use it on a really good Monopod. the sturdiness of the kit depends on the strength of the monopod. Hence buy a good monopod. 

Since it’s a sidekick, you need to be really careful whenever 

mount on the monopod. Make sure it’s mounted securely before you lift it. 

Check below video for your reference. The gear in this video uses my Canon R3 with Canon RF 600mm lens and monopod used is Gitzo make.